Website Features

These are some of the common features that we implement for our clients. Every web project is different and will require a feature set tailored to the client’s needs. This can include customizing existing features or developing new features from scratch.

Team Roles

Assign different members of your team to manage different sections of the website. Roles may include managing specific pages, writing blog articles, uploading photos or any other responsibilities.

Social Sharing

Make it easy for site visitors to share articles, pictures, store items and more to social media with 1 click.

Advanced Analytics

Go beyond just how many people are visiting your site. Get full website traffic analysis in a comprehensive yet understandable format.

Integrated Marketing

Monitor, analyze and optimize marketing campaigns across all channels and platforms.


Use sub-domains to house different sites or differentiated content. For instance,,,, etc.

Mobile Only Content

Sometimes there is content that is more relevant to people visiting on a mobile device. You can serve specific content to users based on whether they are using a phone, tablet or desktop.

Call To Action (CTAs)

Prompt your site visitors to perform a specific action like filling out a contact form, signing up for a newsletter, or reading a blog post. You can also use CTAs to guide visitors through a sales cycle and boost conversion rates.


Create top-of-content or popup alerts for announcements of any kind.

Chat Box

Allow visitors to message you in real-time while they are on your website. Answer questions and close sales.


Keep spam out your contact forms by using a CAPTCHA security method. CAPTCHA tests to see if forms are being filled by real people or automated bots.

Landing Pages

Specific pages designed to convert visitors to customers/clients. You can have multiple landing pages for different campaigns. You can even run A/B testing to see which pages convert the best.

Privacy Policy

Stay compliant with privacy and data regulations. Get the right consent for data use and maintain the required disclosures. Detect when a visitor is located in a jurisdiction with enhanced privacy regulations.

HIPAA Compliance

Websites for physicians, medical organizations and health service providers must be HIPAA-compliant. We ensure compliance through a solid systems and compliance training for health-industry clients.

Content Markup

Automatic Schema tagging for Google to read (especially if you’re a local business), Twittercard data for twitter, and OpenGraph tagging for Facebook can all enhance your visibility when your site is shared or found on search and social media.

ADA Compliance

Open the Internet for users with disabilities. ADA compliance insures that your website is accessible to persons who access the web through visual aid and audio reader devices and browsers.